Bagni Acquamarina 113

Fine and gold sand, a service and an organisation known in the whole world, secure shoals: that is the identity card of our beach, the ideal for a holiday of families, children, young and not so young people. Under the sun for the unfailing tanning or in the water for refreshing baths there you have occasions of interesting meetings. There are also lots of sport activities on the beach such as beach- volley or bowl tournaments and in the best hours of the morning, gymnastics with the sound of music on the border of the sea and in the water. 

The Bandiera Blu of the beaches of Europe is an aspired recognition that is assigned thanks to the organisation structures on the land and the quality of the bathing water. The award of the CEE has every year a particular value because of the severity with whom the Commission of the European Unite judges. Cattolica has assigned the Bandiera Blu for 6 years (1988, 1989, 1991, 1999, 2000, 2001). 

Our beach "Bagni 113 Acquamarina" has a convention with the Hotels Waldorf, Imperiale, Alexander and is situated in front of the hotels, where our guests get a reduction of the costs of the rent of umbrellas and deckchairs, the usage of the cabins is free.